Sunday, February 3, 2013

Kayaking with dolphins & birthdays stacked on birthdays

Decided to do it a bit differently today. Video blogging today. :)

So, I totally went all out and bled scarlett today. My roommates decided to against the rest of California and cheer on the Ravens. BOO. So, we totally fought it out with my megaphone and all. See:
I even went as far as to get a red hair extension. That is right. BLED SCARLET.
THEN Thursday night at midnight we waited and waited for Adilene to get home so we could surprise her for her birthday. We decorated the whole place and the bathroom, baked her a cake, bought rootbeer, watched Pitch Perfect and yeah, we finally got her to come back to us.
She was surprised. We scared here, by popping up from the floor. We had been laying on the floor for 30-40 minutes haha and had been practicing our beat boxing skills to perform a "happy birthday" song. SUCCESS.
I made a contract for myself. I HAVE to partake in everything. NO matter what. Which I already have been but still..made it official. haha
 Ending on that note. Night ya'll.
P.S . no pictures from kayaking :( which I am so upset about. I would have ruined my camera and phone. time I am buying a water camera because its a blast and absolutely stunning.

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